Friday, November 19, 2010

Very Young Speed Dating

Ok, I have not typed in a loooooooong time. I have grown since last time I posted. First of all, I am 11 years old, and in 6th grade. I go to the WORST school in the WORLD!!!! Seriously. Anyways, I have been doing a lot of thinking. I have figured out that most boys are retarded. JK!! I'm not that slow!! Actually, I have looked around and have seen many kids my age dating. I think about what the Bible says, and you aren't supposed to date until you are old enough to get married. Some kids go from one to another!! This one girl in 5th grade there was this girl and she dated 3 boys in a row!!! Like, one after another!!! It is CA - RAZY!!!! I'm like, OMG (*oh my goodness* for all you late people LOL)!!! THat is so totally GA - ROSS!!!! Jeez people!! You don't get married at 11 unless you're totally KOOKY!!! (Not like my kooky, I'm a totally different story.) Signing off, and good night!!