Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm famous

I got in the newspaper. I am the girl with the green dress on (and the yellow and blue polka dot outfit) in the Dillard's ad yesterday. When I went to the photo shoot, I got to put makeup on. I even got to put on mascara. I'm not allowed to at home. I tried on a purple and green dress too but they didn't put that in the ad.

My sister was in the ad once. She had on a red dress. My brother's picture was up on the wall at Dillard's. He was in the baby section.

As soon as my daddy finishes watching basketball we're going shopping for Memorial dresses and maybe get one of the ones from the ad.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I went to my grandparents' house today. I watched 2 movies and I played outside some too. I got a scarf from my grandma's annex. We might go to the store after awhile. My mom is going to get pizza. We are watching the Secret Garden right now. I'm sort of bored. I might play office with my cousin. This boy on Secret Garden is such a sissy.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My day at school

Hey! I'm new. I do lots of work in school. You have no idea how much I hate it. Well,first of all I'm 9 and in the 4th grade. In the morning I wrote in my journal. Then I did my did my daily english problems and math problems. I had a spelling test and I went to library. I listened to my teacher's lecture about our science/writing prodject. After that I wrote my 3rd paragraph. The rest of my school day was reaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllly boring. I've run out of stuff to type.